Rights and Responsibilities

Rules and Regulations

  1. Consistent attendance in all scheduled sessions
  2. Respectful attitude towards staff members and fellow participants in all program activities
  3. Honest communication including any consumption of substance use
  4. A willingness to be open to feedback by counselor and group members
  5. Agree to obtain a physical exam within the first two weeks of treatment
  6. Agree to provide at least one emergency contact name and contact information
  7. Agree to maintain confidentiality about the identity of other group members and what is said in groups
  8. Agree not to share any personal information or share any correspondence involving the clinical team of Chat2Recovery (C2R)
  9. Agree to maintain adequate computer equipment for the effective use of electronic communication
  10. Agree to pay program fees in a timely fashion
  11. Agree to attend all sessions free from mood-altering substances
  12. Agree not to allow a non-group member to knowingly share in the groups (e.g., listen, watch, read) in any manner
  13. Breaking the confidentiality of group sessions (who attended and what is said) is grounds for termination from the program
  14. Threatening statements to any staff member or program participant is grounds for termination from the program

Patient Rights

Each Patient Has the Following Rights:

  1. To receive individualized treatment services in collaboration with your counselor;
  2. To receive services from competent staff who respect your dignity and personal integrity;
  3. To know the name, position, and function of any person providing treatment;
  4. To receive information concerning any treatment services recommended or diagnosis made;
  5. To receive information about any treatment services available;
  6. To receive a prompt and reasonable response to requests about treatment services;
  7. To receive in writing the reason for involuntary discharge and the process of appeal;
  8. To voice a grievance, file a complaint or recommend a change in procedure;
  9. To receive an explanation of program bills, charges, and payments;
  10. To receive a copy of patient records, upon request, for a reasonable fee;
  11. To be free from physical, verbal, or mental abuse;
  12. To be treated by staff members who are free from alcohol or drugs;
  13. To be free from any staff or patient coercion, undue influence, intimate relationships and personal financial transactions

Patient Responsibilities

Each patient is expected to:

  1. Work toward the goals established in your individualized treatment plan;
  2. Treat staff and other patients with courtesy and respect;
  3. Respect other patients’ right to confidentiality;
  4. Participate in developing and following your treatment plan;
  5. Actively participate in program activities;
  6. Pay for services in a timely basis;
  7. Address all issues adversely affecting treatment; and to
  8. Act responsibly and observe all program rules, regulations and policies.

Ethical Consideration

In order to protect the privacy of your counselor, the public posting of personal information about your counselor online or verbatim information from sessions is prohibited and may be grounds for termination of your treatment.

The ethics of addiction professionals forbids the exploitation of patients in treatment. Consequently, patient/staff contact outside of program services, including contact within social media sites (e.g., Facebook, Linked In, etc.) are prohibited unless preapproved by the supervisory staff of the program. Additionally, staff is prohibited from receiving financial gain from a patient relationship in the form of gifts, donations or contacts. If you believe you have been treated in an unethical manner by any C2R staff member, please inform the program director at nlessa@chat2recovery.com.

Patient Records

C2R is responsible to maintain patient records and progress notes of individual and group sessions. C2R remains the owner of the therapeutic record including all transcripts, notes, e-mails and recordings. C2R will maintain patient records for a maximum of six years. Patients may request copies of their records for a reasonable fee.

Quality Improvement Meetings

C2R is intent on continually improving the program and its services. It holds semi-annual meetings to review systems and policies for improvements. Program participants are welcome to participate in these meetings if desired.

How to File a Complaint

If you wish to file a complaint, please submit your complaint in writing to nlessa@chat2recovery.com . We will respond promptly to your complaint.

We appreciate you taking the time to review this important material and trust that you are now an informed consumer. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any program questions or to make a suggestion about improving our services. Your success is our primary mission.

This document is supplied on the expressed condition that the content must not be used for purposes other than that for which it has been supplied or be reproduced, wholly or in part, without the prior written permission of C2R.